Best Non Toxic Toothpaste - Better Safe than Sorry

Last updated on:
July 31, 2023
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If we’re here talking about a non toxic toothpaste, does that mean the opposite, a toxic toothpaste, exists?

Unfortunately, the answer to this important question is yes.

Almost half of adults in the USA have some form of gum disease, courtesy the harmful chemicals in conventional toothpastes.

Oral health is more crucial to overall health than you probably think. 

Gum diseases are linked to increased risk of numerous other diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and complications in pregnancies.

Being a daily use product, the choice of toothpaste surely warrants careful research. 

Harmful ingredients to avoid in a toothpaste and their effects:

Some ingredients present in conventional toothpastes are proven to have adverse effects on long-term use in high concentrations in humans. The following is the list of toothpaste toxins and their harmful effects:

  • Sodium Lauryl Sulfate: A detergent, used in toothpaste due to its cleaning and foaming action. Increased concentration of SLS causes skin irritation, mouth ulcers, and delayed healing of ulcers.
  • Diethanolamine: It has a foaming action and aids in cleaning the tooth surface. It is associated with hormonal disruption, toxicity, and cancer.
  • Polyethylene Glycol: This is a petroleum-based product used to improve the penetration of active ingredients. It contains elements of potential carcinogens and also causes liver and kidney damage.
  • Triclosan: Antimicrobial agent with anti-plaque action. It is associated with hormonal imbalance, cancer, and liver damage.
  • Parabens: They act as preservatives, but have health risks including hormonal imbalance, cancer, and reproductive and neurological problems. They may also cause skin irritation.
  • Artificial Colors: They give attractive colors to toothpaste and don't have any benefits in cleaning your teeth. Over time, the accumulation of these chemicals leads to organ toxicity.
  • Sodium Fluoride: Fluoride has anti-cariogenic properties. But using fluoride at higher levels than required can lead to dental fluorosis, skeletal fluorosis, and organ toxicity.

It is important to not get carried away by familiarity and feel, and examine ingredients, benefits, and risks with different toothpastes.

Alternatives and non toxic toothpaste ingredients:

Numerous natural and non toxic ingredients exist as alternatives to conventional toothpaste chemicals. 

Following are some of the natural and non toxic toothpaste ingredients:

  • Baking Soda: mild abrasive action, and reduces the bacterial load and tooth decay.
  • Coconut Oil: helps in reducing gingivitis and plaque, which is a thin film of microbes.
  • Sea Salt: it helps to increase the pH of the oral cavity thus preventing the growth of microorganisms.
  • Hydrogen Peroxide: natural alternative, elos to keep teeth clean and white.
  • Activated Charcoal:  abrasive action removes stains and impurities from the tooth surface.
  • Cinnamon: it gives freshness to the mouth, known for antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Bentonite and Kaolin: natural clays used in toothpaste for their mild abrasive action and leaving a naturally clean mouth.
  • Tea Tree Oil: is used for its antimicrobial property and helps in cleaning the tooth surface.
  • Xylitol: natural sweetener that can be safely used in children's oral care products. Helps to prevent tooth decay and promote saliva production.

Opting for a non toxic toothpaste makes for a safe and gentle oral care experience overall. 

In fact, these often have equal or higher efficacy, and without the harmful effects, making them a no-brainer.

Luckily, as with numerous other products, there is a rise in awareness about toxic products, and increased availability of natural, safer, and environment friendly alternatives. 

As always, it is essential to examine ingredients, and choose a non toxic toothpaste that is the best fit for your use. 

Here are some of our recommended best non toxic toothpaste options:

1. Revitin Prebiotic Toothpaste

  • Based on new age science for oral care 
  • SLS and fluoride free toothpaste
  • Gluten free toothpaste
  • Dye free toothpaste
  • GMO free toothpaste
  • Sugar free and xylitol free toothpaste
  • Peanut free toothpaste

You can also check out our Revitin prebiotic toothpaste review for more insights.

2. Weleda Fluoride Free Toothpaste:

  • Certified organic ingredients are used for cleaning teeth and gums
  • Reduces plaque and strengthens gums
  • Completely free from chemical ingredients
  • Free from surfactants, triclosan, parabens, and phthalates
  • No synthetic preservatives, flavoring agents, or dyes

Check out our Weleda toothpaste review for more insights and breakdown of all of their toothpaste options. 

3. Tom's of Maine Antiplaque & Whitening Toothpaste:

  • Fluoridefree toothpaste with natural ingredients
  • Active ingredients zinc and glycerin for effective oral cleaning
  • No artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives
  • Free from triclosan, phthalates, and dyes
  • Plant derived sodium lauryl sulfate.
  • Vegan and cruelty free toothpaste
  • BPA free toothpaste tube

4. hello Oral Care Fluoride Free Toothpaste:

  • Fluoride free toothpaste with natural ingredients
  • Effective oral cleaning.
  • Free from triclosan, sodium lauryl sulfate, phthalates, and BPA
  • No artificial flavors, coloring agents, or dyes
  • Available in natural flavors and with activated charcoal


  • Gentle and natural toothpaste specially designed for kids.
  • The product is available in a natural bubblegum flavor and does not contain any artificial flavors.
  • Hydrated silica, a gentle yet effective mild abrasive, provides safe and thorough cleaning for the delicate teeth and gums of children.
  • Xylitol and Stevia Reb A Extract provide a balanced taste while supporting oral pH balance..
  • Fluoride-free toothpaste, safe for kids, with nano hydroxyapatite to strengthen teeth.
  • Formulated without harsh chemicals, cruelty-free, and vegan, and  it comes in eco-friendly packaging.

6. hello Kids Fluoride Free Toothpaste:

  • Fluoride free toothpaste for kids
  • Effective oral cleaning with gentle care for teeth and gums
  • Free from toxins like sodium lauryl sulfate, triclosan, artificial sweeteners, dyes, and parabens
  • Safe to ingest
  • Available in numerous kid friendly flavors
  • Vegan and cruelty free toothpaste

7. Davids Natural Toothpaste:

  • Premium natural toothpaste
  • Helps remove plaque, whitens teeth, and leaves fresher breath
  • Free from fluoride, sulfates, and triclosan
  • No artificial flavors, sweeteners, coloring agents, or preservatives
  • Vegan and cruelty free toothpaste
  • Recyclable metal tubes demonstrate sustainability

Any of these non toxic toothpaste options can really help maintain excellent oral health, without the risks and toxins. 

And if you need more options, you can check out our oral care insights and recommendations.